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Why does the bottom wheel of light steel keel machine scratch paint?

Dec 28, 202016:34:26

There are three main reasons for the bottom wheel scratch of light steel keel machine

The main reason for this is related to the early debugging. Generally speaking, for the new equipment purchased, the manufacturer of light steel keel machine will send professional personnel to help operate and conduct professional debugging. If the problem lies in the debugging error, you can directly contact the light steel keel machine manufacturer for adjustment and retest until the problem is solved;

There is also a possible cause of paint scratch. Some light steel keel machine after a long time of operation, its bottom wheel will appear loose and swing back and forth, this is the result of deviation. If it is for this reason, it can be solved by reducing the deviation.

The third reason for the scratch of the bottom wheel is the problem of the bottom wheel. On the one hand, it may be affected by some superfluous things. Just imagine that there are some irrelevant sundries beside the high-speed running bottom wheel. How can there be no problem. On the other hand, the distance between wheels is too narrow, which leads to excessive friction. If it is this problem, how to solve the problem of painting the bottom wheel of light steel keel machine? It's very simple, that is to increase the gap between the upper roll and the lower roll. Generally speaking, if the gap is increased, the friction will be reduced, and the problem of paint scratch will be solved naturally.

Cangzhou Tianyu Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. warmly reminds all the friends who operate the light steel keel machine that if the bottom wheel is painted, don't panic. The first thing to do is to check the problem and make a good inspection record, so as to facilitate the debugging reference of professionals. In addition, in the process of using, we should pay attention to protect the light steel keel machine equipment, reduce the probability of problems.